Not all business people hate taxes - but just try to get them to admit it
Publishes on March 16 By Don Pitt
People tend to think that everyone hates taxes. According to this article on CBC that might not be true. Taxes helps strengthen the economy and most people, especially business owners do not mind paying them. An interview in the article includes a small business owner who speaks about enjoying paying taxes because it keeps Canada together.
Of course not all people enjoy paying taxes however from what I have read, rather than people speaking up and talking about how they do not enjoy paying taxes people would rather just not talk about it. The reporter that interviewed people he found that some people refused to talk about any negative aspects of taxes. Perhaps people forget the healthcare and the services that are made possible by taxes. Maybe people are forgetting that Canada has one of the lowest taxes in the world.
As a business student I see that the health of the economy is very important to everyone and effects everyone. I appreciate all of the services and benefits that come alone with it and I am glad business owners see this.
Personally I enjoy the freedoms that living in Canada provides me such as Health Care and Social Services. Also our Military and other government services that our taxes pay for. The return itself for most is a little extra cash to look forward to in March/April of each year. This little extra helps with the little extra's life can throw at us. One thing that I do not enjoy is the tax breaks for higher income Canadians and corporations. In my opinion we should all be taxed at the same rate.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree that the amount of taxes we pay is a good thing. For one big example, we don't have to pay 50,000+ dollars if us or one of our family members takes a heart attack. I believe we live in the greatest country in the world which offers some of the best opportunities in the world. If I have to pay a few taxes just to have those opportunities and for this country to stay the greatest in the world, so be it.